Our Blogs

December 10, 2022

Rightmove Named St Ives As Happiest Place To Live In UK

St Ives is the happiest place in the UK, with house prices nearly double the national average, which could interest investors with land acquisition strategies.
December 20, 2022

How Do Neighbourly Matters Relate To Party Wall Agreements?

Neighbourly matters are a subset of development and planning concerns that broadly bring together every aspect of development that affects neighbours.
January 2, 2023

When Do You Need Party Wall Agreement For Building Work?

When planning major renovation work on your property, you might need party wall act advice if the job involves a boundary that is shared with a neighbour.
January 9, 2023

Top 10 Happiest Places To Reside Revealed

St Ives is the happiest place in the UK, with house prices nearly double the national average, which could interest investors with land acquisition strategies.
January 16, 2023

Resolve Boundary Disputes To Avoid Affecting Property Value

Property owners should resolve boundary disputes as quickly as possible by asking for party wall act guidance, as disagreements can make the home hard to sell.
January 23, 2023

Developers Warned Of Resistance When Building On Green Belt

Developers who are considering using green belt land for a latest property project should discuss their land acquisition strategy to avoid upsetting locals.

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